Thursday, August 18, 2011

I made my sister bald... should I buy her a wig?

You should get her a wig, but a good wig shouldn't cost anymore that 80 dollars, so if you do buy her a wig, you should have enough money left to buy yourself a laptop.

My mom won't take me to a doctor, help?

Tell a school councilor who will REQUIRE that you get checked. Or lie and say your sick and need to go to your primary care physician (your regular doctor) and then be like "the real reason I am here is because I think I have add and my mom wouldn't let me see someone about it."

Can I Install AutoCAD on Windows Vista!?

I've been trying to install auto-CAD program on my laptop but it won't just do so. I've been told that it is because of the Vista. Is there anyway I can get around this or alternatively another CAD program I could install and use?

Do PET scanners only detect the abnormal part of a persons e.g. brain?

The FDG will go to all areas of the brain/body, but more will go to the tumor (or another area with higher metabolic activity). The final image from a PET scan is artificially colored - the scan will return an intensity value for each voxel of somewhere between 0 and whatever the max of the scanner is, and a color scale is simply mapped to this range. The scale is designed/adjusted so that anything significant will stick out, while the background will be unobtrusive or left out completely if it is under a certain threshold, such that the resulting image will be meaningful and as easy to read as possible for the person interpreting the result.

Taking care of fig tree?

does the fog tree need lot of sun , does it need soaking when watering and when does it start giving fruits

For all teenagers. What do you think of my writing here?

I think the storyline is great, but I feel that your prose style is rather generic. Try using more colorful words and structure to get the feeling across. Just some constructive criticism =)

How many milliliters of O2(g) at 30 C and 741 mmHg can be liberated from 13.75 mL of an aqueous solution conta?

How many milliliters of O2(g) at 30 C and 741 mmHg can be liberated from 13.75 mL of an aqueous solution containing 3.00 % H2O2 by m? The density of the aqueous solution of H2O2 is 1.01rm g/mL.

What will Karl Rove testify to on Monday Feb 2, 2009?

He will not answer, He has not in the past and will not anytime in the future. He will be accountable for his disastrous ideas. The man is the brain of Bush and the judges in charge of the far right that are not going anywhere. 2/3rds will stay put. I m convinced that Bush did not win any election , more so to cheat to permit these thugs to screw the people of this nation by they are not just in control but will not be prosecuted either.

How is my fantasy team?

It is pretty solid, Kopitar, Zajac, and Kovalchuk will all put up big points. Mike Green is the best fantasy defenseman in the game so you got lucky with that one. Kaberle and Myers will both put up big points. Martin, although more well rounded than an offensive threat, could put up solid numbers playing with the Penguins. I would drop Quick, he will probably not be starting very much longer as Bernier is the best goalie prospect in the NHL.

POLL: Movies I saw last week: Indiana Jones, Narnia, Iron Man. what did you think of them? allso...?

Actually the New Indiana Jones was based on actual fact. As all Indiana Jones movies are if you actually do research. There are 13 crystal skulls and there are several in possession. Do some research, it is interesting. As for the swinging I think that was cool.

Is there a special word for a skirt in the ancient Greek man's costume? "Kilt" is Scottish...?

I'm looking for a special word, from Greek presumably, to ociate with a man's skirt. Ancient Greeks wore skirts or, we'd rather call them "kilts", but a skirt is a woman's thing and a kilt comes from Scottish and ociates strongly with Highlanders... Anybody speeks (ancient) Greek???

Atheists: Would You Marry A Christian? Christians: Would You Marry An Atheists?

Even if this person was gorgeous/fine and had a nice personality and was very respectable. Like, Atheist men, would you marry Claudia Schiffer if you knew she was a Christian? Christian women, would you marry Leonardo DiCaprio if he was an Atheist?

How is my taste in music (rock)?

eh, Ive been listening to metal all my life and the only band on there that I like is Metallica's older stuff (pre-Black album), I killed the prom queen and as blood runs black had a few songs I liked too; if you like those bands then more power to ya, nothing wrong with them but I dont like them, especially punk an nu metal (Korn, Slipknot, etc) some of stuff I listen to is Katakylsm, Pig Destroyer, Vital Remains, Vader, Lamb of God, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Heaven Shall Burn, Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, Pantera, Slayer, the Black Dahlia Murder, Children of Bodom, Cryptopsy, Misery Index and Dying Fetus; now thats good metal!

Should i ask him to sadies?

He likes you and he is trying to get closer to you but seems that he is not used to you, you should do the first step. I mean talk to him a lot, talk to him about some private things..things you would never tell anyone about and make him feel special and he will do the rest ;).

What are the funniest misheard lyrics?

when I was younger my parents would play the steve miller band and the song "jungle Love" would play, the chorus goes: Jungle Love! It's driving me mad! It's making me crazy!" but I was young, and over the years I heard the song less and less, and from my poor english perception i remembered hearing the lyrics as "Buckle up! It's Strawberry man! He's making me crazy!" now I hear the song and kind of hear that still and makes me giggle

What do you think is the state and status of Martial Arts today?

I totally agree with your statement and to answer your question all the Martial Artist I know do it for the love of it and enjoy teaching. I have being doing MA (shotokan karate) for 12 month and I am only a yellow bely. It will take me 3 more years to reach black belt which I am prepared to do. To answer the point of MMA & UFC I believe it is not good for MA because all people want to do is go out and learn how to beat some one up, which to me is not Martial Arts. We need to get back to basics and start from scratch and learn the Values and Benefits of Martial Arts

Yahoo! answers formatting, styles, etc.?

How do you format an answer or question? Adding things like bold, italics or underlining? Also, hyperlinks: apart from typing the address and hoping it gets converted to a hyperlink automatically, how can I specify the text to be displayed, the path of the link, and possibly even what tooltip to show when the mouse pointer hovers over the hyperlink? Mathematical typing (displaying powers nicely, etc.) ? Any other tips?

I Can't fully understand Athiests logic. ( No offense intended)?

Atheism is no more responsible for the conclusions formed from scientific research than it is responsible for your lacking the comprehension of that research.

Shouldn't an elected representative be supported?

at least until the next election? Isn't it undermining and traitorous to be looking to smear elected reprasentatives with scandals and uneccessary scrutiny? Do you think the usa is in fact divided to the extent of being overtaken by powers left free to govern the idiots?

Where are the best places to visit for gay tourists in Colombia,Brazil,Venezuela,etc.…

Cartagena, Bogota, Santa Marta and San Andres in Colombia. Brazil, go to Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo...and Venezuela i dont know...

Is it popular to stuff bra? please read bottom?

im 20, and i have no not even hershey kiss size. so i wanted to know if it is poular or modern to stuff your bra? or does it look bad and is old fashioned? also if it is popular is it s l u t t y and h o e i s h?

As of 3/24/09, how many people still believe in creationism?

I just watched a doentary about a school district that recently tried to impose the creationism theory on students by religious board members. I find this ridiculous in this day and age. Are there really still people out there that still believe the earth is only 4,000 years old and that the first two humans spoke with a talking snake????

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Car amp overheating and cutting out?

2 channels amps especially pyramid is not stable at 2 ohms in bridge mode. You r overloading the amp. The symptoms you state are exactly what happens in this case. The fact it last 10 minutes is surprising for a pyramid.Oo

National geographic article?

ok so i have to write an expository summary on an article. it can be from different magazines but i chose national geographic. where can i find an article online that's 1500 words? and also any tips on the summary(how long, good facts etc.)?

What is the atmospheric surface pressure of saturn?

Since Saturn is a gas giant and no solid surface, where U measure the pressure?.It is Gas every where and there may be a small solid core at very depth but we can not call it Saturn's surface.

What can i do about my 15 month olds behavior?

She is testing limits all kids will do this. You always need to be consistent with what is ok and what is not. She will act up more now that there is a newborn in the house. She was probably used to getting all the attention and now she has to share that attention and that is hard for her to handle. Try to make special alone time with her without the baby around if at all possible to let her know that she is still very special to you.

Which hairloss shampoo? Nexxus products or Nioxin?

I have been using Nioxin shampoos for almost 2 years now. I started with system 1 but have since moved to system 2 with no stop in hair loss. As I am only 21 years old I want to at least slow it down as I know there really isn't anything that can completely stop it nor help grow hair back. Has anyone used both Nioxin and Nexxus VitaTress Biotin Shampoo? Which worked better? I know they have similar ingredients so if one doesn't work does that mean the other one likely wont? Any suggestions will help. My frontal receding hair line is hereditary and I believe is worsened by stress as I am currently deployed to Iraq and in the Army. Thank you, suggestions are appreciated...

What is the site for meiosis in plants?

The special process of cell division in ually reproducing organisms that results in the formation of gametes, consisting of two nuclear divisions in rapid succession that in turn result in the formation of four gametocytes, each containing half the number of chromosomes that is found in somatic cells.

On msn...........................…

i reli like this guy and i do know him from my primary school. i want to know what to write to him plz hlp and think of some things 13 yr olds lyk!!!

Who on P&S do you consider to be a "regular"?

I would say the trolls, haters, o avatars, stalkers, did I miss anybody?? lol Oh shoot, one more, the rascists.

Mobility scooters and global warming what is this all about?

Everyone seems to getting one as a 70th birthday pressie (in some cases much much earlier) saw one the other day being driven erratically down the pavement by someone with a cig in one hand and mobile phone in the other. I'm sacred - what happens when the Hells Angels open up a mobility chapter near where I live. What about carbon footprints? just think of the power drain charging all these scooters overnight just so someone can go down the shops for a packet of Werther's Originals. Are people just getting to lazy to walk?

What would be your perfect home?

Mine would be a beautiful scarlet house with a lake at the front, with a colorlful garden. And in the inside I would like everything to be brown like the coach to the stairs lol

How do i tell her this nicely?

I'm not sure of a nice way to put it, but the bottom line here is that you guys are partners working together and it should be both of your decisions, not just hers.

Manny Ramirez, crazy, insane, bi-polar or just plain dumb? Boston fans, please answer.

What do you think of the latest Manny quote? Has he completly gone mad? Why would you ever say "the red sox don't deserve me"? What are your thoughts and feeling on Manny?

Does anyone know where I can find a Hello kitty bracelet that has a crocodile charm on it? Target offered it.?

It used to be offered at Target online months ago and now its not. I have looked all over ebay and no sight of it. I was wondering if anybody had any other ideas. It has several Hello kitty charms and a crocodile one. I think it was around $15.99. Thanks guys if you can help.

NY METS....ryan church...???

im looking to pick up an outfielder, im wondering how the playing time is split up in right field for the mets. I see Endy Chavez has a few at bats.... who should i drop in my fantasy team j. thome k. youlikis gavin floyd

Why can I still not recognize a poe?

put up with her Jesus front and tell her how much you love her, then tell her that you are married in the eyes of the Lord. Then stick it in her bum and tell her she is going to Hell.

Knitting a blanket for someone who doesn't know how?

i am looking to make a simple blanket, i have knitting needles and books and a whole bunch of other things but i no longer know how to knit, special cirstances. i do know how to crochet. if someone could give me some tips and advice and maybe a pattern or something i would appreciate it. just so you know i am not wanting to crochet the blanket cause i have done so many times and wanted to try something different.

Moving to portland and need cheap apt.?

hello . i am moving to portland in june, .. I cannot afford an apartment over $600 max since i have no job yet and am just going there with savings. my question is - how seedy are the neighborhoods? i just moved from baltimore which is pretty scary and i know portland will be much safer. but given my price range, how dangerous are the neighborhoods and are there any areas i should be weary of? i am not opposed to living outside of the city if it's linked by pub. transportation.

HAM RADIO:can I both listen and respond to emergancy calls with a kenwood TH-F6A?

Yes I did contact kenwood and they lead me to there brochures page.However,I wanted to see if I could get personal experience from ham radio operators or just anyone who's used a ham radio or knows anything about it.I've seen them on ebay so somebody out there uses them

What are 2 Nazi Coins worth?

1 says 10 fenning with the swastika the other 1 fenning with the swastika. 1 is dated 1940 the other date illegible. Duetches Reich and that is all that I can read on them. Seem to be made of some type nickel alloy. Anybody know anything about these coins. They were brought home from WWll.

Should i keep the male zebra finch with the female once she has lay ed her eggs ?

i'm planing to breed zebra finches but i need to know if i should keep the male zebra finch with the female once she had layed her eggs. should i??

Wouldn't a bit of grace in defeat be nice?

He is an ungracious pr**k, but at least he has the consolation of knowing that his team have beaten the CHAMPIONS twice and they are trophyless again, Liverpool have had a great season and pushed United all the way, but Benitez's conduct has overshadowed it and supporters from all clubs not just United have waited to see them fall flat on their faces, good season in the league they might have had, but as I said before trophyless they are and long may it continue.

What is a GUI, trying to download adobe flash player and my laptop says unable to load GUI?

I have been through the internet security thing and uninstalled the previous versions. I really have no idea what I am doing. I am completely computer illiterate but I am trying to install this mess on my laptop. It is a Windows something or another. Can any computer savvy person out there please help me out!!!!

How to make my look bigger in bikini?

have you tried Victoria Secrets bikinis? they have padded ones & push up ones that would probably help you a lot, they're also really pretty.

Rate my NBA Ultimate fantasy commisioner team?

that is a great team depending on how large your league is and just curious is this league any diff or special because of the ultimate part?

Extreme physics:How can i stop a bike with just my fingers?

In the disc brakes to stop the wheel, friction material in the form of brake pads (mounted on a device called a brake caliper) is forced mechanically, hydraulically, pneumatically or electromagnetically against both sides of the disc.The brake caliper is the embly which houses the brake pads and pistons.The most common caliper design uses a single hydraulically actuated piston within a cylinder, although high performance brakes use as many as twelve. Modern cars use different hydraulic circuits to actuate the brakes on each set of wheels as a safety measure. The hydraulic design also helps multiply braking force. The number of pistons in a caliper is often referred to as the number of 'pots', so if a vehicle has 'six pot' calipers it means that each caliper houses six pistons.

Statistical question:?

Say I wanted to compare the numbers of bacteria in the mouth of an animal, with the numbers found in the in the nose and the lung, how do you decide before performing such a study, how many animals you will have to yse? (is there a mathematical method?)

Malaysian Electronics Site For Repairing Monitors - Which Is The Best One?

Jestine Yong's LCD Monitor Repair & Electronic Repair are two of the best sites I know. Mr Yong is famous not just in Malaysia but also around the world. As an electronics engineer & trainer, he's a qualified expert.

Does anyone know the name of this movie?

i dont know the name of it, all i know is i think bruce willis is in it and i think it takes place in brooklyn. the main character street fights alot and does drugs where theirs a long scene where their on drugs driving around. i also remember his brother is a war vet. and is kinda crazy. anyone know the name of it?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stephenville, TX Police UFO Images VS Olmsted, OH Police UFO Images Sep 04?

Nope. UFO's are here, have been here and will continue to move in and out of our airspace without much to do about it.

The 9/11 attacks could have been fabricated?

Okay, there are many people out there who believe the so called official story about the 9/11 attacks, saying that Al Qaeda carried it out and the country was caught by surprise. However if anyone has seen any Alex Jones doentaries, the information he presents conflicts with this. Do you all think that there was something fishy about the way the attacks were carried out, and the events that surrounded the towers collapsing rather neatly and the one side of the Pentagon that had not been reinforced yet being hit. And also the lack of videos of a plane actually hitting the Pentagon?

Is McCain really another "Bush" or just showing his age?

I have said this over and over again.OF COURSE he's another Bush,I can believe these idiots voted for him.My god,even Bush endorses him....why are Republicans so dumb!

Why does the Mexican President disagree with Arizona's Immigration Law?

Because he wants the U.S. government to continue to let millions of Mexican flood across the border so that he doesn't have to take care of them. Illegals also send billions of U.S. dollars back to Mexico each year. He has no reason to want Arizona to succeed.

Should i get a blackjack 2, pantech duo, or the new version of the razr?

ok, my palm centro broke about three times and my family and i are pissed off at att and t for my phone for not working three times already. We talked to the customer service and they said i could switch my phone for a blackjack 2, pantech duo, or the motorola 2. I want one that is good for a 15 year old teenager. And i want a fone that wont break on me. thanks

Why are evangelicals and conservatives STILL trying to convince us that evolution is a theory?

It was written over 150 years ago, and yet they still try to expose its "flaws". I mean, the idea is quite simple: that organisms with better traits are more likely to reproduce. You would think that people would be prepared to handle it after all this time.

Do national work visas from EU countries work all over Europe?

I am a US American living in Prague. Americans receive an automatic tourist visa for three months when coming to EU countries. After that, one must receive a work or student visa to stay legally. I have one for the Czech Republic. Will this work in other EU countries as well or will I have to get a new work visa for every country I go to?

Is this the cowboy electric! or the "electric cowboy"?

i think we have witnessed historic nfl of biblical proportions here! for one, we saw the bills play against incredible odds and put up one hell of a fight! my ten gallon is off to ya, buffalo! but...the cowboys...amen...have pulled off one of the greatest comebacks ever seen since israel won the golan heights at the last minute. this is the stuff that makes the nfl really shine!! GO COWBOYS!!!!my's D-day on the morning of the superbowl!!

Why are gay and people's tax liability the same as for straight people when we are not afforded the?

same rights as straight American citizens? The federal government doesn't recognize gay marriage for federal tax purposes and all but 5 states don't recognize gay and marriage for state tax purposes. My partner and myself were recently essed $50 more a month for an educational essment tacked on to our property taxes. We have no children who use the public schools. Why should we have to pay for straight people's carpet munchers? In America gay and people are treated as second cl citizens. Just because most of us have better incomes than our straight counterparts we have to pay and pay and pay. To the Evangelicals, keep your Bible quotes to yourself, this is a legal question that deals with Constitutional issues of taxation it has nothing to do with your bogus religious beliefs.

I(not you) (me) me?

the shakes that ull make u quake the frys that'll cross yo eyes and the burgers tha'll..... ok i just got burgers.

Who desings new soccer jerseys???

is there like a website where you know who desings the new soccer jerseys like the adidas nikes pumas reebok umbro etc is there a contest on which desing is better...who decides the new deseings???.....i can desings sick *** jerseys...

Who does american idols Kris Allen remind you of?

I think he kinda looks like a younger jake gyllenhaul, but my friend dosent and she cant remember the name of the guy he looks like to her. All answers will be appreciated.

Snowboard Help Please?!?!?

Okay so I was planning on buying the 09 forum recon 158 wide and no one had it other than ebay and it was listed wrong.. I can find a 156 wide for cheap and i really need a board and under 250$ should I just go with the 156? Would it be fine?... Im 6'2 185lbs. and i know traditionally people are just like woah go in the 160's people are like go between 155 and 160 and i should be fine.... any help or suggestions on what I should do??? what would be the difference if any

Is this a snowboard/ski bunny hill?

a href="¤t=IMG00012-20100227-1448.jpg" rel="nofollow"…/a

Which of the following is NOT a statistical hypothesis?

A statistical hypothesis is a statement about a population parameter. b, c and d are referring to population parameters (and yes, vadge, p is a population proportion, so it is fine). Now you didn't say whether a) is about a population variance or a sample variance. If it is about a population variance, then all of them are statistical hypotheses. If it is a sample variance, then a) is not a statistical hypothesis.

Harry Potter ignment help!?

I have found recipes for er Beer online before. You just search for er Beer recipes and you will find some. There are non-alcoholic ones. And then the website that the people above posted will help you find recipes too.

Looking at both teams what would it take for team 1 to trade team 2 for Ian Kinsler (Tex - 2B)?

Personally, I NEVER trade for a guy on the DL, especially a guy with a history of getting injured like Kinsler has. That being said, if I had to say who should be traded, you can go straight up with Holiday (who i like a LOT better) or do a 2-1 with something like Vazquez/Berkman for Kinsler. That way, both teams get a DL guy.

What's your favorite easy camp meal?

We're going camping next week in Glacier NP, and since there's lots we want to see and do, we want to hear from you on your favorite camp-site meals that are drop-dead easy to make... we'll have the standard equipment: two burner propane stove and roasting sticks for the fire.

Isnt it sad that people still dont know what the third eye is? What about the truth of afterlife?or divinity..?

Bet you have no proof to back up all the you just said. And no "I can feel it" is not proof

Chemical poisoning?

My father ingested some diesel fuel from his truck the other day, and I was wondering if that could kill him.

Can you get in trouble for using a sharp object to protect your property?

In other words putting something like blades around or on something you suspect to be stolen. Would the thief then turn around and sue me for bodily harm (they cut their hands)

I am feeling sick i dont know why?

since two days i have been feeling very weired i have been throwing up.My stomach feels weired. My mouth is sour my eyes are tripping, I feel like i have been up from alooot of days or i feel like i am on drugs and comming down. my head is hurting i am not pregnant because i have iud and i just got off my period. i tried going to the doctor but they didnt have any appointment for me. My aunt told me maybe i have stomach flue but does that make u feel like u have been up for hella days i cant get up to takecare of my kids because my mind is num even though i sleep fine at night time. plz help me and tell me what it could be

Is it wrong to think these guys are cute?

nope. 18 is the legal age baby. I'm 19 and I think it's really HOT when a girl older than me thinks good of me.


Practice makes perfect...if you get the urge to call, put down the phone and walk away. That's really the only way you are going to train yourself to stop.

Ladies I need help........?

You should check out When I was on clomid, it worked like a godsend for me. You put in the days you take clomid and it will tell you when you're most likely to ovulate. You didn't say how long your cycle lasts and that's the most important part in telling when you'll ovulate. Anyway, the site is free and VERY helpful. You could also be charting your temperatures - that helps without the need for ovulation strips.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Have the Australians got this right???? Whats your opinion?

i don't think it matters what religion you are, as long as you are working and paying your way, all the best

I think i have a very small leak in my Aquarium...HELP!?

Ok so ive had this 10 gallon aquarium for two days, it has been fine up until tonight...Now i had spilled i little bit of water down the backside of the aquarium, so i dont know if some water got under it and its now just running out, or if i have a seep in the tank...I know for sure the water is comming from underneath and in the front right corner...Also the tank is not leveled perfect, as i did not notice it wasnt level until after i filled it now it wont budge...Please help me :(

Is it meant to be & how will one know?

I had dated this woman for 2 months and then she told me she didn't think it was going to work and so we stopped seeing one another for about a month or more and she tex me saying she missed me and wanted for us to be together but as friends first. I have not dated anyone in 4 months since our 1st split and I am afraid that if I commit like before she will only hurt me once agian. What would you do if in my shoes? I love her but I don't think she feels the same and I feel that she will do the same.Am I wrong? Please give me some advise !

What would be a good themed bedroom for a teenage girl?

spring tree blossom wall peel: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do you think Guild Wars 2 will be better than WoW?

First off.. the people who made guildwars said that guildwars 2 will NOT be a monthly subscription. and yes,I believe it will be better than wow. Wow is getting old...while on the other hand, Guild wars is coming out with newer things all the time(and not just a new storyline)

What is it meant by weaning in weaning bowl here?

"weaning" is when a baby is just starting to eat solid food, so it's a bowl for that stage.

My computer wont let me connect my Ti calculator?

Uninstall all the software and restart the computer. Then Reinstall the software. That's the first solution to try.

Where can I read the full story of Pandora's Box?

For my textiles project I'm going to make a quilt that tells the story of Pandora's box, then put in a box! I know most of the story but where can I read it to get a refresher?

"te kiero mucho" translation spanish to english please?

tkm or tqm are abbreviation for "Te Quiero Mucho" = "I love you a lot", great for using when texting

My girlfriend claims to be d at a party?

she went to a party and wasnt planning on drinking. she doesn't drink that often so i took her word. later that night txting her she said she ahd 2 shots/ 2 beers. not bad. drinking games and such. she decided to stay the night which i was sceptical about becaus she would be sleeping in the same house as drunk guys. she said she was 'shooed' into a room w/ a guy and went to sleep in the bed. she says she doens't remember anything after that. at first she told me nothing happend but i had a sickning feeling that something did. she confessed she thinks she was d and told me her story. she said she woke up fully clothed but felt kinda weird down there as if she might have had or somones fingers found her if you know what i mean. i really dont know how to react. i mean she had her chance to leave with a sober driver but chose to stay. they were old high school friends which she umed she trusted. her 2 girlfriends who 'shooed' her into the room were suppose to be pretty good friends. im almost having a hard time believing she doesn't rememeber much because she said she only drank so much. she thinks she might have drank more but cant recall specifics. i've drank with her on several occasions and she has maintained herself very well. i just dont see her blacking out and waking up with some guy. she is pretty rational for the most part and i dont think she would act out like this. i would like to know who i should react and act twards her until i get to the bottom of this. and if ur wondering why i wasnt there im 2 hours away because of work. i almost feel like this is my fault because i wasn't there to protect her but at the same time i shouldn't have to baby sit her. the only other thing i can think of is that she was roofied or some type of date . idk can anyone give me some advise sorry for typos its yahoo and i feel lazy typing u know how it is all of you iinternet users.

Why is Fred Thompson against a windfall profits tax against the petroleum companies?

Why not a law that states that if a company makes over so much money in a quarter that it has the option of either reinvesting it in exploration, increased production, enlarging refining capabilities and infrastructure or forfeit the over the line profits to the government to be distributed back to the consumers? Wouldn't that make sense? It seems to me that that would either eleviate the problem of short supply and high prices for the consumer. Why hasn't any of the candidates for President thought of this already?

What should I do with my scrap material?

I'm a big sewing person (I'm looking to go into a fashion career). I have all these scraps of material, ranging from 7 inches to 30 inches. They're beautiful pieces of material and cloth, but I never have enough left over from one project to create another project. Any suggestions on what to use them for? I thought maybe of making a quilt or a pillow or something....

Football TShirt design???

We need help designing our football cheer block shirt. We have a new head coach this year and want to recognize him. We really want to do somthing cheesy like his face on Uncle Sam, or the Heisman trophy, or Captain Morgan or somthing. Also any cool phrases thatd go with it. Schools name is McCutcheon, mascot is the Mavericks. Shirt has to include "Pride of McC 07" somewhere on it. Thanks.

How good would the Packers be if they had a O-line?

Just read on the Packers website that Mark Tauscher was in Green Bay and might be coming back and Clifton will be back after the bye so, hopefully that would help. Oh, bye the way Rodgers is awesome and if Favre was Green Bays QB this game isn't even close, he would have been sacked 10-15 times-not as mobile. How is it that the Vikings defense is so great yet gave up 424 yds. only won by 7 after all the sacks, penalties and turnovers by the Packers and how do the Vikings only get 2 penalties for 10 yds.

Evolution is US schools?

Is it really true that in some US States, the schools are not allowed to teach the Theory of Evolution, but instead teach Creationism as fact?

What is the major difference between Metaphase I and II?

I think that Metaphase I involves the full set of chromosomes (2n, or the diploid number) and Metaphase II involves only half the normal number of chromosomes (N, or the haploid number)

MASALA DOSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

hi!! i live in italy and i'm punjabiand once i tried a masala dosa and i loved it!! and now i wnat to make it at home...i've already looked on youtube and found out some videos showing how to make it but i really don't know how to make the red( orange ) chutney that we apply on it before adding the potatoes....can i use something else??because it looks quite spicy and i don't like too much of pepper!! Another thing: how i eat it? i mean with what? normally it's eaten alone or with anything particular? i repeat i'm punjabi so i don't have particular things at home...thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are some words that trigger referents?

I am having a hard time choosing words that trigger referents. i need words that are used in religious experiences, educational backgrounds, political affiliations, economic satus,

How to paint the rims of your car?

buy new rims or get the rims painted professionally you cannot get a good finish on a home job, preferably baked on for the alaska climate, you can get deals on wheels/tires as sets better than buying separately

Can someone check whether my Spanish is correct? No internet translation please?

Fuimos a Espa�a en coche y barco. Esto tom� casi dos d�as porque NOS perdimos. Condujimos (or "Viajamos en coche") de Manchester a Dover, luego fuimos en barco A Calais (Francia) y SEGUIMOS EN coche directamente hasta Espa�a. El viaje all� FUE muy aburrido. Adem�s que en el coche yo sent� mucho calor y me cans� muy pronto. Mis hermanos y yo jugamos muchos juegos mientras viaj�bamos.

Is creationism real why or why not?

The tricky part about this is that neither side to the argument can actually be proven, so it comes down to philosophy. 2+2 is 4, there aren't millions of people disputing if this is true or not, because it is. If anyone says 2+2 is 5 we just ignore them because they are ignorant. With creationism do we just ignore peoples ignorance? No, the truth that with all the things we know at this point in time it can't be proven that there is or isn't a creator. That's why people get upset. They can't prove any thing but they know deep down that their side is right and the other side is wrong. Do your own digging. Find the flaws in either side of the argument, and you young grhopper, will see the truth from your own eyes.

American Idol Contestants.?

i agree with you all the way, finally someone who agrees with me, thank you! you have the same comments ive been trying to tell people.

Does every gaming computer come with sata cables?

this is the gaming computer im goin to XON-CBX01-RD CyborGX Gaming Black w/ Red LED Light Steel ATX Mid Tower Computer Case. Can someoone please tell me if it comes with sata cables

If I am allergic to shrimp but not squid/octopus, what seafood can I eat?

I have had a few reactions to shrimp, so I have always avoided crustaceans. However, I have eaten octopus and squid with no problems. Are there other types of seafood I could be eating (oysters, scallops, etc.)? Also, I can eat regular fish (salmon, tuna, etc) and that has never been a problem for me.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My no way out then wrestlemania 25 cards?

For sure that looks to be a pretty entertaining WM 25 card lol ! Any event that has Edge, Christian and The Hardyz competing in a match gets my vote.It's well worth 9/10 and maybe you should be writing the storylines in WWE !

Eastenders - Friday 14th Episode.?

ha ha yeah i no. i neva used to watch eastenders until i met my husband but since then hes told me what has happened and i havent missed an episode yet. i dunno if it is or not but i still think lucy is acting v suspisious. who knows. what i do know is they are ment to be dragging this story line on til near christmas so as good as it is now well u may get bored of it soon.

Look at lady gaga younger?

a href=",r:2,s:0" rel="nofollow"…/a

I am going to Indy 300 tomorrow and dont know what to wear! HELP?

Jeans, a t-shirt and comfortable shoes. If you don't have a t-shirt you like, take some cash and buy one off the souvenir trucks at the track.

If leftists are so concerned with ending "racism" why do so few of them oppose 'Affirmative(!?) Action'?

What most concerns me about affirmative action is it allows the federal government to dictate morals to private citizens. It's funny how many are for it, but then worry Christians who have no authority over them will try to dictate morals to them...

Bleach the blade of fate?

ok im only really asking this QUESTION to one person, the one with the wifi name ewww_fern!, can you stop using auto Orihime, im sick of haveing to take 10 minutes just to beat j00, it's annoying. you can't beat me with an Orihime, so move on, you never have, you never will, so please stop

For motor enthusiasts?

Does any dudes/dudettes know of a good company that imports/exports body kits for cars? I'm looking for decent body kit for my 1988 Nissan Sentra. All those that I have seen in magazines and pictures on the net, well, they look crap. I'm looking for one that makes the car look clean and not like a spaceship.

How to get rid of arm "fab" ?

do exercises that focus on your biceps, triceps, and your shoulders. to get rid of your thigh fat try walking, jogging, running, and thigh exercises. hope this helps good luck

Will game-stop refurbish scratched game discs and send them back to you.?

My Call of Duty World At War disc has a few scratches on the main printable area and a gash in the plastic hub. I wanted to know if game stop will just refurbish it for you and send it back or if you would have to buy a disc cleaner. I don't know if the disc cleaner would work for the huge gash in the hub though.

Was jay edger hoover president?

Two years? hahahahahahahahaha that's so pitiful, especially since you seem to have access to the internet.

Can you identifty this film please?

a few years ago I saw a movie abut an expedition to the moon and a naked girl was discovered in a cave. the ending was somthing like that mankind had been to the moon hundreds of years ago. this is really bugging me - can anyone help?

How Could A Brazilian Develop A 100% Safe Rule For The Universal English Pronunciation?

It sounds utterly insane - far more complicated than simply learning the pronunciation of the words along with the meaning. English spelling is not 100% reliable as a guide to pronunciation but it is nothing like as wayward as people like to make out. The handful of -ough words hardly constitues a major stumbling block.

Is it normal for a toddler not wanting to drink milk?

my son is 19 months (3 months prem) he has never held his own bottle he just refuses to which i don't really mind because its the only time he snuggles up with me and i give him his bottle. he was down to two a day, one in the morning and one before bed. but now he wont take any milk for me at all. i have been trying almost everyday to get him to drink milk from his cup instead of a bottle but he won't do that either. i don't want him going off milk hes far to young! i have been giving him extra dairy products to try and compensate and i have been using almost a full bottle to make up his breakfast. he won't drink water for me either so i have to put a drop of juice into it but at least he will drink that from a cup. im brushing his teeth(the only two he has) almost 4 times a day because i don't want them to get cavities from the juice. is this normal and just a phase?? maybe hes teething?? any advice please??:)

Revised Chapter 1! Would you mind critiqing?

Cool. There are a few grammar mistakes here and there, a couple of punctuation errors, but you should be able to spot them by re-reading this or giving it to a friend. Overall, very good, nice beginning. Wonder what's going to happen next?

Math word problem help?

Dan drove 24 miles in 6 minutes less that it took carol to drive the same distance. ind dan's average speed if his speed is 8 miles per hour faster then carol's?

Will Elton Brand accept 90 million for 5 years offer from Warrior?

brand wouldnt take the warriors offer mainly becuz davis is goin to the clippers and brand would want to stay with them cuz he knows they'll have a chance next year

How can I style a side fringe and make it stay like that for the rest of the day? (10 points)?

blow dry your fringe the opposite way of where you want it to lay. use hairspray to tease it a little for volume, and so it falls on your forehead in that "careless" sort of way, and again, use hairspray or an anti-humidity spray to get rid of flyaways and makes the style stay.

Please help me out with Biology...?

A, because the antibiotic resistance is not making a difference because the yeasts are grown in the absence of any selective pressure.

Boreas, Notus, Zephyr, Eurus?

They are actually called Anemoi, but that is only a 6-letter word. Try Wind gods. Or perhaps "direction" will solve the puzzle.

Is saw 4 really THAT gory?

my friend said its not THAT bad...but hes the kinda guy that nothing scares him...i wanna see it cuz it looks like a puzzle 13 and me and my friend always watch scary/gory movies but my sister said "it shows everything" and she doesnt want me to watch it really THAT bad? (like my bloody valentine iv seen that and i didnt think it was THAT bad)

How has molecular biology been used in determining the relationship of animals for clification schemes?

Yes, consider DNA-DNA hybridization studies, protein and DNA sequence comparisons etc. Search for phylogenetics.

IMS or TIME for CAT?

i've just finished my B.Com and was aspiring to take the CAT so which among the two are better IMS or TIME...plzz give reasons also...

Fist/Thumb sucking?

My 10 week old use to take a pacifier, but now he just wants to suck his fist. I move the fist and insert the py, but he cries and spits it out and goes back to the fist. He sucks it alot. It isn't a feeding cue. He has been sucking his fist all the time for the past few days. It makes him happy, but I would prefer the py since we can take that away when the time comes. Or should I just let him suck his fist, then evenutally thumb?

Help! why am i feeling a little 'old' at 31?!?

hi there. i have just recently seperated from my abusive husband, and am feeling pretty good. this weekend, i went shopping and bought a fab dress. it is quite short though, especially on me as i am 5'8" tall. i felt a million dollars in it, even though it does show alot of flesh! trouble is, i went to work this morning and found out that my 21 year old colleague has bought the exact same dress. she didn't seem too overjoyed about it, probably cos im 10 years older than her! my question is: is 31 too old to be dressing up in short dresses and skirts, or am i just feeling a little insecure? at the end of the day, i am single again, and i do love partying and going out! thanks in advance xx

I really like this girl, but she has seemed different recently, and I don't know why?

unfortunatley when your in a romantic relationship its hard to be vulnerable ,but you cant avoid that forever.sometimes you have to put yourself on the line for better or for worse.Obviously something is up...and you can try to read her mind and ask all your friends why you think she is being like this and think about it all you want but that would be hopeless. you might never know unless you ask her. try to bring it up in a casual manner. like "hey are you feeling alright lately?" goodluck :)

Did you know these facts about Iraq and the progress made there?

The Iraq war could not have happened without the 'advice and consent' of the Democratically controlled US Congress. People who blame George Bush for this war are sorely mis-informed. Look to Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy and their ilk. Statements such as 'the president is a murdering buffoon'; 'this president is an embarrasment to the entire country'; 'the president has squandered our tax dollars and maimed and murdered our young men' were printed in the liberal media and touted by ignorant Americans. Research a little history and you will learn these kinds of scurrilous remarks were referring to Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. History will judge President George Bush much more kindly that todays' liberals.

Does anyone find the New Yahoo Homepage completely annoying ?

Geez, you just barely move you cursor and things pop all over the page. Many of which you are not even interested in see. Your mouse has to barely pover something and the screen starts flipping.

What do u think about travel to venezuela?

for me is good, great blue beaches, and the largest water fall of the world, a jungle, margarita island, good looking people, but i wondering what u think?

Hi!am a 18 years old girl from goin to travel alone for the 1st time to HK next month.ill be changin?

flight in bangkok.i heard the airport of bangkok has change so am quite scared of getting lost in the airport or mayb ill miss my flight:(as i have no idea about the procedure.btw ill be travellin by thai airway.yet am excited to experience it..can anyone help me out by givin me suggestion for the procedure..i mean what should i do as soon as i reach the bangkok airport..thanks alot!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The worst public speaker awards....?

I'd add to the list that protestor who throw green custard over Peter mandelson. It was quite a petty, not straight-to-the-point answer.

Why does ethanol need to be manufactured on a large scale?

Except for laboratory experiments, there is usually an economy of scale where large scale means greater economy in the use of available resources.

Are there any legitimate, "general" areas needing improvement by some culture groups?

If so, what, and how can there be improvements? NO DEROGATORY REMARKS, PLEASE! Some groups often see things from "their" perspective, & therefore fail to understand why people have any negative feelings towards them. This leads to anger & cries of discrimination as an instant response, I believe. However, I feel that a fresh, honest outside look at oneself can shed light on why people get feelings that reinforce discrimination. Is there something that you perceive as negative, "in general", yet legitimate, about your own race, ethnicity, culture, etc.? Can't helping us see/face & improve our own areas of faults/problems help how others view us as a group and therefore reduce discrimination / animosity ? PLEASE,...stay civilized, MATURE & CONSTRUCTIVE.

Why is it in the western world divorce has now reached pandemic stage? dont guys marry for love any more?

we here of marriage contracts and stuff like that. if you r going to make it a business proposition why not end the relationship in the office? why take a girl and instead of promising to takecareofher, love her, protect her, defend her, stand by her, you categorically tell her that you need a live in housemaid with priviledges in the bed room. how is she supposed to feel? how would you feel if a girl tells you that the only way she is going to stick with you is when you prove that you are a mobile bank? women r like flowers- they will respond to sunshine and rain no matter how little, so i feel the men r to blame. what do you think?

Can you tell me something about the American Idol auditions?

The other day, I heard that when you audition, you have to sing in front of producers in order to audition in front of Randy, Paula, and Simon. Since that's the case, how do the bad singers make it past the producers?


I live in Florida and I am 12 yrs old almost thirteen. My dad went to Colombia (Spanish Country) and he brought his sister and my cousins. They are 22. Then came here on may 23, 2008. My dad said that they might be staying her for a year. Well I can't stand them. They always take our stuff without asking and they never even said thank you because we are letting the stay in our house. There is three of them and they are only paying $20 per month. For three people. That isnt enough. Every time that I try to talk to my dad he said, "JUST BE PATIENT. THE MORE YOU THINK ABOUT IT THE WORSE THAT IT WILL BE." But it is just that they always use my laptop. And now the keys are like going away because they hit the keyboard with their nails. They always stay in the room watching TV and the electricity bill is HIGH!! What should I do?? My dad won't listen to me anymore. I will take advice from anyone.

Witch QB should I start? And Why?

the mannning bowl will be a shootout..... both quarterbacks will put up good fantasy numbers but if vick runs for 100 yards that bonus may put you over the top..... If the rest of your roster is solid take the risk on vick bcuz even if he doesn't get 100 yards he'll still throw for 2td and run for another against the lions D.

Why was Iran's Pres. Ahmadinejad the first world leader officially invited by the Iraqi Gov?

That Bush made his visit a surprise is no surprise. He couldn't live long enough to get an invitation. He did not give the Iraqis any time to plan anything any more lethal than flying shoes.

Is Manu Ginobili taking a little bit of the Bruce Bowen role for the Spurs?

Actually, no. The person who has been taking on the role of defensive stopper for the Spurs is the recently returned from injury George Hill. If you notice Hill's best 3 point spot is the corner, just as Bowen's was. Hill's quickness, though, allows him to score in other ways that Bowen couldn't. Manu's defense is good but when looking for someone to guard the opponent's best perimeter scorer the job usually falls to Hill (or as the Spurs call him Indy G, this is a reference to Hill's hometown of Indianapolis). This is especially true in the fourth quarter and this allows Manu to be arguably (based on this season's performances) the NBA's best closer on the offensive end. Even though he may not be guarding the opponent's best perimeter scorer, Manu does not exactly shut it down on the defensive end, as was seen in Denver on December 16.

What filter would you recommend?

I've used several filters from the Aquatech line, and they've always been super quiet. I have a friend who has one too - no complaints there.

I just realized I will probably be a millionaire in 5 yrs. Should I retire then?

Was just running the numbers and uming my 401k mutual funds keep at or near their current pace they'll reach a mill in about 5 years. I would be 55 so I think I'll plan to take early retirement where I work. I'll have 25 years so my pension will be decent. I think I'll get about 3k per month if i get out at 55. That and a mill in the mutual funds should do me oky, hu? Of cousre soc sec kicks in at 65...sound cool?

Can anyone translate a WS Sonnet?

Twain means separated, so the writer is saying that he loves the subject of the sonnet, and he seems to know the subject loves him, but something, "those blots" are keeping them apart, even to the extent that they cannot acknowledge each other in public. But he ure her, that is love is real. And that she should not show her feeling in publix as well.

How good is my Yu-Gi-Oh deck and would it last in a tournament?

call of the haunted is NOT ALLOWED,but i use it because me and my cousin doesn't follow some of the rules. well, for one thing you have to focus on the theme because you mix all kinds of monsters. mine is a dragon deck with dragons in them,yours are like some kind of deck,so focus on the theme. then you need my two favorite monsters,dragon master knight and red eyes darkness dragon.

Do you agree with conservatives on immigration?

Nope that would be a group in line with the beliefs of the LIB robert byrd,...who was elected many times and was a klansman!!! Sorry but failure does lean left!!!!

Why does it seem like there is such little emphasis and value place on humanities and the arts?

And why is so much made of science, math and athletics? It seems like the things I value (and am good at) are not as much of a priority. These things seem to be pushed to the side, and I don't understand why. It's frustrating that we are learnig about poly atomic ions which I doubt any of us will ever need to know about where as you will need to write and communticate effectively in almost any job you take.

Rumor about jerry falwell converting to islam?

ok, i've heard this several times now from muslims. apparently they believe jerry falwell converted to islam on his death bed...nevermind that he died suddenly in his office and i'm sure didn't have time to covert before death even if he wanted to. Now, i didn't agree with everything jerry falwell said, but i think he was a decent man that got a lot of people upset because he wasn't afraid to say what he believed. Everyone has a right to different beliefs, and thinking different doesn't make someone stupid, ignorant, racist, phobic, a nazi, or a muslim. So, what is up with all the rumors, lies and hatred for him? I saw one girl on here post that he was "human" because he got caught with a hooker. when the heck did that happen? perhaps she got her scandals mixed up. i also think the racist allegation is unfair. yes, he was for were practically all white people in the south. isn't admitting you were wrong and changing a sign of strength rather than weakness?

How does a responsible gun owner answer these questions?

You live in the US that has a Constitution that states the right to bear arms, so either follow the law or try to amend the Constitution, ignoring or stepping over the Constitution for your own sake is unfair to the other citizens in our free society.

How to I Madden football better?

How do I sharpen my skills at playing Madden football on any game system including a PlayStation Portable (PSP). I played madden when I was little but I wasn't good at it. Most of the time, I didn't know which play to choose because I was afraid of making a fumble or being intercepted by the opposing team. I wish there was a way to understand how football is played because that's what I think about when I'm playing.

So the ultimate slap in the face..,How do i deal with this situation now,when its stabbing a knife through my?

Look for happiness within yourself. Stop looking for someone else to make you happy. Find some new hobbies. Go to the gym. Find happiness within yourself and once you do that you will be able to find somebody. Don't focus on the past. focus on the future.

Should i get it fixed? how urgent is it?

my diverter valve on my combination boiler is acting up. how long should it last before it becomes URGENT. i cant get hot water all the time, but sometimes, and i REALLY hate letting unknown workmen in, cuz of past BAD experiences with them, how long before a faulty valve completely packs up? can it do further damage to the boiler? when i turn on the hot water and it doesnt work the boiler automatically cuts out so i get no heat either so it doesnt overheat. i know it would be ideal to get it fixed but its really stressing me out about letting unknown workmen in. i tried to find a place that has women only plumbers but i cant. not sure if my gas company employs any women plumbers in my area. ive been pencilled in to have it looked at thursday, but im thinking of canceling, would this be a mistake?

Let "f" be a function defined everywhere on the real axis, with a derivative f ' which satisfies

(cont'd) the equation : f ' (x) = c * f(x) for every x, where 'c' is a constant. Prove that there is a constant K such that f(x) = K*e^(cx) for every x. [ Hint : Let g(x) = f(x)e^(-cx) and consider g ' (x)]

Friday, August 12, 2011

Why do people have to be such creepers?!?

Because most of the males in these type of forums are society rejects. Most real men don't troll on forums. Most females like forums because it comes naturally for us to communicate easily but men are just predators on these sites. Even the younger males are just trolling about and just being disgusting in general. The few males here that are genuine aren't looking for love or .

Homework help please??? 10 pts for best anwer?

what is a paradox and where is an expample in Romeo and Juliet? i am so confused please explain (i love the play btw)

I need a pic or drawing of where the 3 eye shadows go.?

I have seen the drawing so many times. You know the one that you use when you use a trio eye shadow kit. I need to see the image.

What would happen if?

The Vikings win out the season and finish 9-7 while the Packers and Bears lose out finishing 8-8 (Packers would beat Bear in week 17) Giving the Vikings a 3-3 division record (2 loses to the Pack & 1 to the Bears) while the Bears and Pack also finish with 3-3 record but the Pack swept the Vikings, so would the Vikes go to the playoffs?

When my priority date will become current, Please Help !?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Diagnosis Troubles: How can he be just so sure of what's wrong?

It seems to me your new psychiatrist is diagnosing you on what he now sees not what has been . If you feel better on the medication and you are satisfied with your condition then I would think you should stay on your current meds . I know to the fear of coming off meds and I do get that . How did your last Psychiatrist come to the conclusion and treatment ? Do you think you can feel better then you do now ,now that, I realize maybe a hard question ? Does the new DR. give valid reasons why you should change meds ? I guess you are the only one who can answer the questions as you are the one who has to live with the changes ..the Dr. only sees you for a short time out of your life but you have to live with yourself the rest of the time . Study the meds he wants you to start and learn side effects ,learn the side effects of withdrawal from the current meds . This might help you make an informed decision .

Lightning strikes, has any one ever had a "good" symptom appear?

I have heard of isolated cases where the victims feel better after a strike. Is there any thing to this? Of course the out come for most is usually very painfull.

Does anyone else hear David Archuletta "gasping" when he sings? (STILL!!!!)?

I'm watching the VH1 countdown and David Archuletta is #1 with some little teeny bopper song and I hear him gasping like he did on American Idol. It makes me feel like I can't breathe! LOL. He sings a line and then gasps, sings again, gasps. That's what bugged me so much about him when he was on American'd think he would have learned how to fix that.

How Do I Wean A Zebra Finch?

I have two adult zebra finches, the female laid a clutch of eggs. They hatched at around February 19th. Everything was going well, they came out of the nest at normal times and such. I have, what I think is a problem. The mother has laid a new clutch of eggs and stopped feeding the other birds. The birds are a little over a month old and I read that they begin to eat solid food around then. The babies will ask for food from the mom or dad and the parents will fly away and the babies would go and eat some solid food. But now when the parents wont give them food, one of their brothers or sisters will feed them. I didn't know fledglings could feed other fledglings. Is this normal? Should I be concerned? What should I do if there is a problem.

Can 0baama and BiteMe pull the economy out in TWO DAYS?

Wrong, they already have, they created or saved 3 million summer teen jobs and over 7 million were "touched" buy it, ha, ha

What are the proper ways of disposing radioactive wastes?

Put them in a lead container and wait 10 half lives for not to big amount. In that time the initial radiaactivity decreases 1024 times. It should be enough for usual.

Have a fireplace insert. Started a fire and smoke everywhere.?

I have a sliding bar on the side front. I thought this was the flue. Pulled all out then pushed all in. Not sure which way is open. The bar slides side to side not front to back.Losing patience. I am cold.Please any input welcome.

How can I be sure which type of Pomeranian I'm buying?

My mum bought a pomeranian puppy and it was small, cute, and fluffy but soon grew to be one of those long legged, long nosed ones. I don't want one of them atall. I want one of the very short and chubby poms that are very fury and look a bit like teddy bears! How will I know (by looking at the puppy) that it will grow into one of the short guys?? REALLY can't cope with the long legged energetic ones, I just want a snuggle buddy!!

Near miss on freeway, possible damage in suspension?

Probably a couple flat spots on your tires, A tire would be ripped off the rim before any kind of suspension damage is done

Tamil Protestors outside Westminster?

How dare you tell these persecuted peaceful people to go back to Sri Lanka and protest. Surely you don't expect them to risk their lives or chance getting jailed over there, or beaten by the police with canes. And what about the benefits they would lose by going over there? No let them protest at Westminster, I'm sure the DHSS don't mind taking benefit claim forms out to them. years ideas?

im going to chicago and i need an outfit. i have ideas (bodycon skirt, zebra print with flow top and blazer or bomber jacket with cute heels...hahahah)but id like link or more ideas or stores. annnnny help is appreciated! thank youu!

What major impact did Hugh Chalmers have on the auto industry.?

Hmmmm...It was either this guy or J Whiting. I need some facts about mr. chalmers...all i have is he had his own motor company

How much could i get for all this at gamestop? but how much is it really worth?

you're better of making a quick eBay and selling most of that stuff to other people, and game stop is terrible to trade in games

What to say to him? urgent, family member loss?

My boyfriends brother is disabled and so close to dying. I'm not going to go into detail about that, but he tries his best to stay strong, but sometimes he cant manage it, and bursts into tears in my arms talking to me about it. He sys to me " i cant deal with it, he's dying im going to lose my brother" what can i say? i can't say " everythings going to be alright" because it's not, and the "i love you i'm always here for you" is all i can think of. Help me?

Ionic/Covalent bonds?

What combination of elements (metals, non-metals or both) tends to be involved in an ionic bond compared to a covalent bond?

Adidas or Pumas?

I know it's the person who makes the shoe ,but i just want to know from past experience ,which one did you prefer?

What is needed to create an LLC - limited liability corporation?

Best bet is to go to the secretary of state's web site in your state. It will have everything you need to know. The rules do vary state to state.

Design an ad or product for macbeth?

For a project i have to find an existing ad from a magazine or newspaper, and reproduce the ad or product for an Elizabethan audience in the context of the play Macbeth can someone give me an idea of a product or ad to use? thanks

Guys especially...and girls who have been in relationships...can you help me see what my friend wants???

We met 2 yrs ago. Became VERY good friends. He had a gf until 2months ago. After the breakup, we talked ALOT (4+hrs) every night almost. My friend w/o me knowing asked him if he liked me the day after his breakup, and he paused a LONG time and said as a friend. We get back to school, he blushes and stares at me, but doesn't talk to me. We get home, he texts me TONS. Calls me for hw questions, but talks instead. He went off about how "girls should be straightforward". I finally get the nerve to call him, and after he texts me tons (even @ midnight!). Today (day after I called him), it seemed he couldn't stop staring at me! But when we walked to our cars together after cl, he seemed very calm. I just IMed him, and he seemed busy, so I said "I'll let you go now." He says "What are you up to?". I told him, and he didn't reply, so I said "well ttyl then!". We chat SO much, but then there's this crazy tension @ school & I dunno...just friends still????

All the strings on my electric guitar went sharp a whole step by themselves??

i have an ibanaez sas32 with a tremolo system. this thing never goes out of tune and i mean never, not even when i use the whammy bar. i played it this morning and it was fine but when i got home today (7 hrs later) all the strings were sharpened by atleast one whole step. nobody touched it b/c no one was home and the temperature in my room is always the same. what could of caused this???

What things should i keep in mind when buy a guitar for a beginner?

i know i don't want an electric guitar- i need one of the normal types....what do you call them? as you can see, i am completely illiterate when it comes to music....what other specifications do i need when looking for the guitar so the shop istants have no chance of ripping me off!

Does anyone else get pissed off while watching the movie Rudy?

I hope Notre Dame collapses underneath the weight of their own BS. They are at the best a 1-AA school.

Google Trends show what keywords people are searching for on a daily basis, and is updated regularly and...?

Google has a keywords tool for your specific region. This tool is good for seeing whats being searched for, and yes, in the UK.

Im searching for a book to take on holiday with me :) sugestions?

If you want a clever storyline, then you should totally read The Westing Game. It has a very clever storyline. Once I started it, I couldn't put it down! It was the best book I ever read! I would recommend a piece of paper to write down the characters and a little about them. Also write down the clues. It will help you solve the mystery quicker. I hope this helps!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What is the science behind magnesium reacting with different concentrations of hydrochloric acid?

I need to know a scientific explanation of this for my GCSE science coursework. I really i have no idea what happens, please help!!! In my experient i have produced a set of results with 60% acid and 40% water etc... I am measuring the amount of gas that is collected at different times during a 30 second period. I also need to know why the concentration effects the results and why the size of the magnesium must stay the same. Thank you :)

Playa del carmen vs cozumel for spring break?

hi people. planning a spring break with the guys this year. I narrowed my choices between playa del carmen and cozumel. Which one is more of a spring break atmosphere. Yea we wanna party but we do not want cancun or acapulco because we are not into partying and we want to meet more mexican people. does cozumel still have nice beaches like playa? are there more clubs? more young spring breakers?? which one is recommended for college spring breakers. Thnx

Fantasy: OJ Mayo or Trevor Ariza?

O.J. Mayo is the way to go. He is a better offensive player, which means he is going to put up really good stats and upgrade your fantasy team. Ariza is a good player, but he is not as good as O.J Mayo who can put up 30 points a night with ease.

Looking for a few piano sheets....?

Google and a credit card will find ALL of these for you. Most are still under copyright - so nobody is going to send you a copy. Doing so is illegal, and also the prime reason that the cost of music keep escalating. There are many sites that will sell you *real* copies, and others that will sell to you as downloads - cheaper, but not designed to be kept in your library. Perhaps your teacher can let you see reference copies, and then you can decide which you wish to purchase - I do this often with my students, since we have all bought something, and after it arrived, wondered what we ever were thinking of! You can also check sites like eBay and - they often sell printed materials well under retail prices. Good luck with your upcoming exams.

I rewrote the song Dead and Gone by T.I. can you rate it?

Yeah I think I'll give it a 9.5/10. Just fix the part about the traveling on this road for 10 minutes, it doesn't really go with the song.

Is there an independed media -nationwide,not cable-in the USA ?

Or can anyone explain how a governement can get away with NOT answering the thousends of questions concerning 9/11 ? How can it be sold to the public that a congressional investigation into "willy"Bill Clinton"s life [ is nobody"s business but his/Hilly"s own }, worth more than $110 million,is somuch more important then their 'lousy"3 - 4$ million so called �nvestigation into the worst terrorist attack ever in the US,I think that even the departement for changing toiletrolls in the Pentagon has got a larger annual budget. CRIMES have been commited and swept under the proverbal - bloody -carpet , home of the brave huh, well, i"m not impressed, unless i see another sort-off march on Washington like in the 60"and 70" when the people showed their governement that they were really pi**ed-off !!!

How do i deal with my parents?

i am a very open minded person..i mean very open. My parents arent super closed minded either. but they say stuff in a joking way where you know its not really joking. they say that when they see gay ppl kissing it grosses them out..and then theyll go on a whole lil spill about gay ppl....well i tell them (by the way we are black) that you dont like when people discriminate against you, so why would you do that to someone else. they said its two different things. what do adults think about this, i would like a variety of ppl answer: gay, straight, old, young. thanks :)

Do Christianity and Islam bear the marks of having been "intelligently designed" by a single creator?

They must claim to be "intelligently designed" because they are based on "revelations." Now, "revelations" should be distinguishable from human doctrines built through cultural exchange and progress, right? Otherwise, naming them "revelations" is misleading. It's the same problem creationists have: they can't demonstrate that creationism can explain anything that evolution cannot.

Citing MLA- online journal or website?

I'm writing a paper for English, and I can't figure out how to site this article. It's from a href="" rel="nofollow" and I don't know whether to cite it as a website or online journal or what. It doesn't have volumes or I don't really know..but the site says it is an 'internet-only publication.'

What is the role of gender in media coverage of celebrity culture?

Um....that's a ton of info and huge amount of info to type on a question...this is as broad as "what's the meaning of life." You have a masters? A masters in? Well sorry I wasn't of help, it's way too broad, heavy and way too big for a Yahoo Answers posting...Be Well!

Do you think the Mavs should do this?

Eric Dampier, Jason Kidd, Jerry Stackhouse and JJ Barea for Elton Brand from the Clipper. I"m sure that Elton is a great competitor, he wants to get in a championship caliber team.

Do strictly non-believers have some sort of common aspect, sign, or affliction?

Well from my understanding ,One must have the aptitude,just like some have for other studies ..such as Math or Science.Not every single soul is born with an innate ability to see their relationship to the bigger picture. I don't put them down or try to change the perspective ,I understand their truth is where they are.

Criss Angel's Wardrobe?

Does anybody know where Criss Angel buys his clothing? Not his trademark "A" hat and wristband type clothing, but his shirts and hoodies that he wears on the show.

Hows the Man Utd thrashing of the scunners to retain their trophy going?

Is it Wright Man Utd are winning or If Fergie cannot be bothered attending then are they giving up on evenn winning this treasure Man utd must be 10-0 up by now shouldnt they?

Is this good enough to a mcdonald interview?

Yeah, McDonalds isn't picky. They just want someone who will work the shift and who is dependable. Trust me you don't need to go in a suit.

Hoover turbo plus back wheels?

Can anyone help I have an old Hoover va cleaner U1294 TURBOPOWER PLUS Looking for back wheel(s) I have tried a lot of outlets part seems to obsolete,any used part supplier ?

Is this Apocalypse Now: Wisconsin vs. Big Labor?

You are absolutely right: "As Wisconsin goes, so goes the nation". That will also cause another great financial problem: the apocalypse of the US Dollar, which is very likely and imminent. Sovereignty crisis is getting worse and when you have billionaires like George Soros talking about wanting the collapse of the US dollar, well, that is a comment you have to take seriously. Money talks and moves the world, and this guy has not only lots of money but lots of political global power.

French Revolution?

Was the U.S government in anyway involved with the French revolution? By this I mean helping them create stable democracy, fighting off monarchies,etc.

Fantasy Football: Which QB should I start for week 1?

Flacco for sure. Carolina is at home. Mcnabb is good but it is their road opener. Flacco and his ravens are at home vs chiefs.

So I Still Like My Ex.(Plz Read Im Desperate)?

You are wasting your time.... MOVE ON!!!!! I'm sorry but i hate it when copuple break up and get back together. There is no going back you guys broke up 4 times is time for you to find someone serious. Someone to love you and accept you for you.

How to lose tons of weight in short time?

i am 22 and my height is 167cms and i weigh 102 kgs.that is around 224 lbs..i need to lose 42 kgs that is 92 lbs and i need to lose it fast as i am getting divorced and next time i see my husband i want him to regret what he has lost.not that i want him back but just want to look my best as he cheated on me coz of my weight..plzzz helpp

Should I start Ronnie Brown or Marion Barber this weekend?

Brown 100% because Miami runs the ball probably 80% of the time and is #1 RB, give or take, cowboys have about 3 Rb's that they use

Am i Crazy?????!!!! I dont know what to do????!!!!?

it is called a crush ,because it hurts. i am 41 years old and it does not get easier. your human and normal.

Should the Patriots fire Bill Belichick?

No Bill Bellichick is one of the elite coaches in the NFL, and he has Tom Brady as a quarterback. Although his decision to get rid of moss for a draft pick was questionable, I am sure he had his reasons. Sanchez is one to keep an eye on, and I think will become a premiere name in the NFL he has enormous potential. That fact cannot be attributed to Bill Belichick, he is an excellent coach and keeps the patriots superbowl contenders year after year.

Grade 8 Valedictorian Speech?

Like it, but seemed kind of fast when I was reading it, this could be a good thing for the audience, congrats on VAL. and good luck next year!!!

Why after the death of Anne England didn't choose to become republic?

i think that England choice to remain monarchy was stupid and i think it was more stupid that they choose a german to be their king because he is related to Anne i know England is constitutional monarchy and the king have no power but that was stupid choice

I;m looking for a certain roxy purse, that i can't find!!! I love it!!!?

It's used from a garage sale, but i'm absoulutly in love with it!!! it's a brown corduroy tanish kind, i've looked on ebay craigs list and roxy websites, anywhere else? it's got a little heart logo on the middle top!! Sad untill i find another one!

Cons... do I have the following correct?

no, none of it is correct. you should vote for mccain because he has the leadership, qualifications and skills to be president. no sitting senator has ever been elected president, mute point this year. mccain has sat on several committees and sub-committees over the past twenty six years consisting of economic, foreign relations, military and spending. obama has almost no committee time. obama has said that he would draw down troops and be out in 16 months, regardless of the situation on the ground, even hillary called him on that one during a "debate" and mccain has always said we will do it in a controlled manner based on the generals reccomendation. mccain has been consistant, obama has been all over the place. hope this helps. thanks

Which antifriz is better?

I want to put on my hair a treatment before straighting it. People recommended me CHI and John Frieda brands. There is a difference in the price but what about the results in my hair? which one is better? are they the same?

Should i avoid my friend thats a girl or not?

ok, so this girl who im really good friends with and hangout with every day is startin to get super flirty and clingy. we used to date about a year ago and now we r just very good friends. i think i might like her again but i think she might b to into me and emotional. yesterday we were walkin downtown and i asked if shes hungry. I was with her all that day and she hadnt eaten, and shes really skinny. and so i was stupid enough to say shes too skinny and we need to go eat. so we keep walkin and she starts crying a lott and we sit down and she wouldnt talk to me or even look at me. this lasted about 15 minutes. then we stoppd walkin and she kept cryin so i gave her another hug and as i hugged her she starts laughin like crazy. she cant stop laughin for about 5 minutes...and then we started talkin alot and she was ok after that. and the rest of the night was fun but odd. ps. she said she wasnt on her period..what should i do? i cant deal wit all dat emotion?

What does "kiasu", "ah beng" means? and what do they mean by "Malaysian Boleh"?

Kiasu means scared to lose. The chinese version is pa shu pa means scared, shu means lose. Ah beng refers to an uneducated person who speaks in a wierd way, at times with a slang. They sometimes dress differently too. For Malaysian Boleh, it means something like malaysia can do it. It is something like 'you can do it', except the you refers to malaysia.

Recieving Tex Message And Phone Calls In London?

MY Friends Is currently in london I Texed Him 3 times just to make sure he got over there ok.He has't phoned me yet to say anything,But I have My roaming on my phine whichis sprint turned off. Becuse I don't want calls coming in and roaming. to cause my bill to be high. I guess what my question is did he recieve my texes in london or not does he have to pay for them if he texes me back.

Since the WWE has 4 shows...wouldn't it be FINE to make two of them more and less PG?? + BQ?

PPVs should be for adults only. The kids must not be allowed to watch the show or be in the arena except for Wrestlemania. This way PPVs could have the extremeness and less PG.

Feeling of Tightness/Fullness in Rectum?

Hi. At your age you can probably rule out it being any serious illness or growths. Sometimes if straining has occured it can cause the fullness feeling. Have you been inserting anything into your ? Sometimes masturbation causes unusual feelings too. One possibility is that a rubber glove has gotten stuck up there. Nurses often use rubber gloves and it's possible one is actually retarding the flow of your faeces from your rectum. Good luck with this. Remember if you are going to practice or use of rubber toys always use lubrication.

How did RNA form and come into existence?

We hear that DNA produces RNA and forms it, so how could RNA be the precursor of DNA if RNA requires DNA to produce it?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

'97 Plymouth Breeze Radio trouble :(?

Radio stopped working.. When its off it shows a tiny little light where the Digital Clock/FM Reader thing is and there is power when you put a cette in. Checked fuse box but theres no Car Book so I can't tell which fuse it would be.

Does anyone live in Bangkok? Can they check some camera prices for me?

When you say your got a great price on a Sony camera at Pantip the last time you were here, I was very shocked. I have prices Sony Video Cameras here and found the price to be almost 1/3 higher here. I sure hope you got a real Sony. As for the price being different, the price here may not have changed but your currency may have. So it would depend on what currency your have if the price is more or less. Too bad you didn't ask this question earlier, I was at Pantip yesterday.

How to transfer my Halo Reach Flaming Helmet???!!!?

Those items are likely restricted to only working on the registered system, which since you redeemed the codes and downloaded them originally on your friend's system, would be his. There is a fix for this, though your friend will loose access to them. Use the once a year License Transfer tool to register the downloads to your system: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a


I got your back on this one Clippy Chick!!! Did the Jonas Booger really have a surgery to stop himself from sweating?!?! OMG!! that's just....Well I don't exactly know what to say on that except OMG!!!

How badly will I be mocked in high school?

you sound like a boy that needs 2 grow up using fake pics is just awful another thing is you are more than like if your not funny gonna fall into the lame department but just find a group your comfortable with and kick it with them who gives a **** what people say highschool fame only last 4 years word of advice do your work and **** everything else bcuz getting into those good schools is key bcuz you'll get the money and money make women come

Jimmy Calderwood takes charge of his 200th game at Pittodrie tomorrow?

What I can never understand about them is they are a one team town so therefore a big city with no opposition a bit like Newcastle. They have a very rich owner who doesn't appear to spend his pennies on his club. So therefore you get what you deserve and for them it will always be an occasional Eufa cup spot and the odd cup run here and there. Probably all they deserve really.

Does anybody know the contact # of Dennis Contreras?

he's an instrumentalist of a wedding entertainer group. i heard he's good. i couldnt find his contact in the internet.

Rate My Fantasy Team?

i would give you a 7 or an 8.... you are solid at all positions except for you RB's... you are a little weak in that position.. other than that you have a good team and a good bench for backups

Who else thinks Hilary Duff is an awesome musician and role model?

I do I think that she's amazing. I was a little worried when she was dating Joel but I was thrilled when she broke up w/ him! I also think that Aly and Aj are good role models. Who agrees w/ me?

Changing my graphics card?

You can definitely upgrade the video, most motherboards built now have integrated video cards by default. I suggest upgrading the power supply as well, preferably something in the 500-600w range.

2 exsamples of imagery in Lord Of The Flies?

Lord of the Flies is a clic in that it is igned reading in many schools, both high schools and colleges. As a result there are numerous free online resources that can help you with your study of this novel, most of which yze the story, discuss themes and symbolism, and give character sketches. If you do a search you will find many helpful resources. Additionally hundreds of questions have been asked here on Y!A about LOTF so do a search for it in the Yahoo Answers search window and you will find lots of Q’s and A’s that should help you. Best of luck with your work.

Is there a website that uses the new zodiac sign info?

like i wanna know about my new sign like the decans and and all that stuff, also did my moon sign change too?

If I walk 3 miles a day and do kickboxing and pilates and eat a healthy diet how much weight could i lose?

If I do this every day, how much weight could I lose in a month? I am 15 years old and weigh 165 and I'm 5 foot 7! Thanks!!

I feel like a failure please help :(?

I failed my midterm in the only subject I thought I did well on...I don't kno wat to do anymore and I feel very depressed right now ..I feel like such a loser . Any advice? I'd appreciate it if someone could make me feel better :(.

What is the importance of "cross-over" during meiosis?

During cross-over segments of DNA are exchanged between the pairs of logous chromosomes. Once they separate and gametes are formed, every daughter chromosome is different from the parental ones and carries a new combination of alleles. This is how genetic diversity is generated and is the basis of ual reproduction. It is the genetic diversity between individuals that allows natural selection to operate and ultimately drives the adaptation of species to their environments.

Homecomming shirt sayings for hawk mascot?

i need a new creative hawk mascot saying last year i used rock out with your hawk when we played hippos it was we would rather be fly than fat

How can I make the other students at my school stop making fun of my name?

Try this the next time some one tries to make fun of your name just tell them that you are a unique name and you like it and that is the only thing that matters and if they can't handle that then they have no right talking to you. You are one of kind and there will never be one again try that and see what happens I bet they will start liking you because you stood up to them. Good luck

Slightly confused about something in dr who/torchwood?

In Journeys end it said that Gwen Cooper from torchwood was a descendant of Gwyneth the servant girl from the unquiet dead. But Gwyneth died and she didn't have any children and her parents were dead so how can that be possible?

How is this short poem?

I quit reading at "cut through my heart like a knife." I was hoping you weren't going to skip to "but it feels all right." Seriously--try to come up with new metaphors. Blood turning cold and vipers are old hat. Find your own ways of expressing your strong feelings.

How does a planet's atmosphere affect it's temperature?

I've been searching everywhere, but haven't found a straightforward answer. There are some guesses I could make from common sense, but does anyone know for sure?


Something hip hop. Especially ones i can get an accapella to (THE VOCAL VERSION OF THE TRACK). An example I DONT WANNA KNOW - MARIO WINANS. Any help would be appreciated?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I need an easy Crock pot recipe?

I need an Easy crockpot recipe. Pork, chx, one that will come out right. R u supposed to add water I read this chicken recipe it didn't say nothing about adding water but it did say 1cup of Chx broth. Sound right?

What is the difference between Dell's Inspiron 1525 (T2330) and Inspiron 1420 (T5550)?

The Inspiron 1420 is a newer since it carries a Intel Core 2 Duo T5550 processor. Its faster running at 1.83GHz with a FSB of 667MHz. Since you will be using it for watching movies, playing music, burning dvds, using statistics programs, adobe CS2 I would say that you should go with the cheaper model.

How do I get rid of AntiMalware 2009?

Well I downloaded SuperAntiSpyware and it got rid of some virus's that I had but it didn't get rid of this AntiMalware. Today Antimalware just popped up on my computer and started scanning and I wasnt sure about it so I didn't click on it. People told me that it's a virus and I don't know how to get rid of it. What is some freeware that I can download to get rid of this virus? Thanx

Sleeping side ways hurting hip / arm bones?

My baby is now 3 months old has been sleeping side ways since 1 month old. My ques is, will this harm her hip / arm bones as well as blood flow. Problem is she can't sleep tight if she sleeps on her back. I do not wan to put her on tummy as I am afraid of SIDs.

Fitzgerald/Warner vs Steelers D?

I don't think the Cardinals will have much trouble scoring on the Steelers' defense at ALL. In this case, I easily see the elite offense taking down the elite defense. The Eagles had a VERY tough defense. The Panthers had a tough defense. The Cardinals dismantled both. I can't imagine the Cardinals scoring any less than 27 points come Feb. 1st.

Please help need advice?

Having a background a convicted felon. What kind of job can i have if i have ult and battery with a deadly weapon. Is this woes than a drug felony.

The owner of FloridaVeggisGrowers has abandoned the list. How do I take over and get rid of the sters?

There are messages and spam sales posts overwhelming this list. I just joined. I can't find a list owner, only a moderator, and the moderator's email is bouncing. Is it possible for me to take over this list and make it viable again? Thanks for the help.

Would the Iraqi journalist be tried in American court so that Bush can get fair justice?

It was really embarring for us to witness president Bush ducking for his life in his latest visit to Iraq.

Do you think Justin Bieber would ever consider dating an obsessive fan ?

I'm a fan of Justin Bieber, so i began searching him on google. Then i noticed how many girls are like OBSESSED with him ! Don't they understand that what they feel is temporary ? Once you stop seeing his face on the screen, you'll forget all about him. My dad calls it platonic love. ? ! ? Anyway, back to my question, do you think he'll ever consider dating one of his obsessive fans ?

Spiritually speaking, nike, puma or adidas?

nike was the sneaker of the 80's cult... i'ld think adidas was the 90's.... so for another year i guess were in the decade of the puma...

How can I stay strong in my faith when none of my friends respect my new Christian beliefs?

If they're your friends then they will accept you. I have lots of friends that are religious and while I think that they're nuts, I love them so I don't say anything bad about their religion. If they were your friends for a long time it might be weird to see you change so give them some time and don't bring up religion in front of them and maybe they'll stop.

Can someone tell me where I may get spare gaskets for a Servowarm Supreme Plus Boiler system?

The gasket on the manifold to the left of the boiler has start leaking. I have tightened the four bolts and stopped it, but I suspect it will soon need replacing. Fitting a new system will be a problem as I live in a 4th floor flat, and access to provide balance flues will be difficult and expensive. Also redecoration in the living room would be needed if the existing system is removed. So keeping this one going is my preferred option. Any advice or guidance would be appreciated.

Men and women.Which of the following female hormones would you prefer to have to deal with if you had a choice?

Which of the following female crazy hormones would your prefer to have to deal with if you had a choice a) menopause, b) adolescence c) PMS d) pregnancy e) other estrogen producing meds

Ridde - missing dollar?

The facts in this riddle are clear: There is an initial $30 charge. It should have been $25, so $5 must be returned and accounted for. $3 is given to the 3 friends, $2 is kept by the bellhop - there you have the $5. The trick to this riddle is that the addition and subtraction are done at the wrong times to misdirect your thinking - and quite successfully for most. Each of the 3 friends did indeed pay $9, not $10, and as far as the friends are concerned, they paid $27 for the night. But we know that the clerk will tell us that they were charged only $25 and when you add the $3 returned with the $2 kept by the bellhop, you come up with $30.

Did I hurt him? He hasn't contacted me like he usually does?

If he feels that you should just trust him, and he can't respect the fact that you don't, it's probably time to get rid of him. People who just expect trust do not truly respect others, so he probably desn't really respect you anyways. Just be careful.

Biker games for a bike rally do you have any suggestions?

I have the weenie bite the balloon toss,beer keg push,beer keg throw,are there any others that would be fun? what games do you enjoy?I am putting on a biker and babes rally and want to make sure everyone has an awsome time ,your input would be greatly appreciated.

Do you think this boy likes me? and should i ask him out?

yes, i think he likes you and that you should ask him out. The staring part is a giveaway that he wants you to ask him out.

What was life like for german immigrants?

what kind or prejudice was there? how hard did they work? I need to understand their lives for a project, specifically German Texans but just german immigrant lives in general will do.

Have you ever been absolutely amazed by the awesomeness of thermos flask?

When I got my first one, I thought they were fantastic: keep hot things hot and cold things cold. First time I used it, I put two cups of steaming coffee and a gl of ice tea in it. Must have ticked off the thermos pixies, cuz they ruined it. Have a nice day. :)

Im looking for a venue for my wedding reception such as a vfw hall or banquet hall in little rock, ar.?

I don’t know of anything specific but try a href="" rel="nofollow" Make sure you do the advanced search. It helped me lot in my search. Good Luck!

My apartment complex lost my package that they signed for what action can I take?

I have printed off the signature of the signer, what I am looking for is what legal action I can take and how to go about it. Thanks

This Message goes out to Any potential ppl that knows more than I do about Fantasy Football and are willing?

Solid draft. Schaub and Owen Daniels would be better picks if you got them where you drafted Rivers and Cooley, respectively. Everything else looked great. Play Austin over Welker, as Charles should have more upside. Portis will most likely outcarry LJ 2:1....and should be a solid late pick. Yes, santana moss should be good this year, and as for defense, play the waiver wire......preferably whoever is playing tampa that week, lol.

Mel Gibson's rant recordings......?

Does anybody know where I might be able to download ALL of Mel Gibson's rant recordings (in full, and uncensored) in MP3 form?

Starter course for Christmas Dinner?

What about potato and leek soup, that would be a very delicious starter and not too heavy for before the big Christmas main feast.

Whats the best wrestlemania? I think 22?

22 edge vs mick foley hard core match. HOF verne gagne, tony atlas, eddie guerrero, mean gene, sensational sherri, cris benoit vs. JBL, Mickie james vs trish stratus, Kurt angle, Rey winning the title, vince mcahon vs shawn micheals. I don't think any wretlemania comes better than 22. opinions who agrees?

If you had the opportunity of dating 2 girls,?

the Second girl, let me tell you buddy who cheated one can cheat again, get over her and try to forget her the second girl seems nice, so my advice don't do something stupid and regret it in the end and u will if u chose be with ur ex again!! and good luck

Do you get the Brit. series "Shameless" in USA/Canada? If so,what do you think?

I'm English and living in England, so I'm not sure if "Shameless" is on any foreign channels...I did a bit of research though, and Channel 4 have an "On Demand" service(, and according to the site you can watch the last series for free. If any of you haven't seen it, make a point of doing so. It's one of the funniest series in years(David Threlfall is superb in it..), and I have to admit that there are some areas in Britain where life isn't much different(some good sociological observations throughout). Kit- do you remember "Nightingales"? Threlfall was great in that, too(playing a security guard called "Ding Dong" Bell alongside Robert Lindsay...bloody hilarious..).

As today rahul gandhi declared that "he's gonna marry soon".whom do you think he's gonna merry?

i mean is he going to follow his father footstep of marrying an italian girl or this time he's gonna bring an indian wife?

What if the next fight really IS for marriage between humans and dogs?

No, I wouldn't feel guilty. And while I don't condone bestiality, I would never condemn zoophiliacs- I'd be rather impressed by their ability to come together, defy the stigma, and proudly declare their uality and right to be recognized.

Is this a good expository essay?

It's good. I would start it with some sentence like Books based on someones personal experiences are interesting to read. Then go on and maybe add more details to make it longer

Contacting Harold Camping on Open Forum?

I have been trying to reach Harold Camping on Open Forum with the number 1-800-322-5385 but my phone automatically hangs up. Is this not the real number? Or is there a specific time to call? If anyone knows the number, or the time to call, please let me know



My seven week old wont stop crying while im feeding her What do I do?

My daughter has always had problems with gas since birth and her doc said she was extremely colicky and that I should try mylicon drops which helped in the beginning. At first she was on formula and milk and now I finally got her away from formula. she only gets one feeding of formula a day or none at all and the rest milk. She has been drinking from me for a while and all was good or so I thought. She would only feed for 5-7 min on each and get up every hour to eat which I thought was too little time and umed I had low milk supply so I kept at it by drinking more fluids and taking fenugreek and she started to drink I guess faster or something because I would hear large gulps where as before she would hardly do any swallowing. She still feeds for 5-7 min but I feel that she is actually drinking more and looks more content and stays asleep for 2- 3 hours which is good for both of us. And now here's the HUGE problem. After all was well and I finally got her used to my milk she started the worst thing. She will stay completely awake and cry those cries that make her lose her breath and turns all blue and purple and repeats that all day and night. I try to feed her by my and she will suck for a good 2-3 min and then scream her lungs out I ume she doesn't want it then she starts fighting for it again but when I put it back she screams. I try my other breast and she drinks again for 2-3 min and then freaks out arms and legs swinging and the whole nine yards. So then I umed ok if she wont take my milk then she has to eat something so i gave her formula in a bottle and lo and behold she does the same thing to the bottle. She'll drink for a min or two and boom freak out. While shes having her episodes she is farting like no tomorrow and I am giving her mylicon drops but its no use. I finally have to take her swaddle her and give her a paci where I have to force on her by pushing her against my chest and rocking her till she sleeps and its only for a half hour and she starts this whole story all over again. She does this day and night and I haven't slept at all I am going to my doc one last time tomorrow to figure out what im supposed to do. She has also started drooling and she does become quiet with one specific hold where I have to hold under her arms and let the rest of her body loose like shes just hanging except that I cant do this every second and how will I get any sleep doing that? Please tell me if any of you have went thru this I dont think I can take it anymore I feel so bad for her I know shes feeling pain and gas but at the same time I feel like a failure like I couldn't take my daughters troubles away. Did your child ever push herself away from the breast or bottle as if she was in pain? I'm so confused I just dont get it please help

How difficult is it to stay celibate?

I suppose it depends on what situations you put or get into. Obviously, if you are dating someone or allowing yourself make out sessions then it would be very difficult. You sound like a smart person who can see that you need some time to heal. I think it would be much easier if you don't put pressure on yourself to stay celibate and just take it one day at a time. Getting a major hobby would probably help keep your mind off of certain urges...your main worry to be prepared for is lonliness. You get lonley and you hook up. Maybe you'll get lucky and find someone who wants to be celibate also.

Why does he IM me , but then barely talk to me?

I have this friend, and we've been friends for like 6-7 months, & he IMs me everyday, and he only has 2 hours during the week-__- , and like we talk but he kills it by using lol , k , o , yea , or say i ask him how he is he'll be like good. lol .. and just now , like i was just trying to help cheer him up about something, even though, im obviously not good enough -_- , and im like oh i hope u feel better, ttyt, goodnight, . and hes like kk . -_- if that was anyone else, i bet he would have said night or something lol.. i just wish we were better friends and it bothers me and i tell him it bothers me when he uses boring words lol.. and oh on fb for a truth thing he put, you make me laugh i make u laugh, ur nuts, cool, and i think we're good friends. lol -_-. everyone else got something real great. I feel like im not important to him. and it sucks, cause i thought we were really good friends. he IMs me everyday, so therefore we talk everyday. /: what can i do? oh and we cant talk in person for a while. .. he lives 2 cities away.

When Just I Was A Kid of Four....A Song.......Do You Like It?

Tragic and heartrending. The form and rhythm are so perfect and the story is told with such clarity. It brought to mind my beloved cousin, who died from complications of cerebral palsy when he was only 23, making the poem just that much more poignant for me. Thank you.

Who would you pick in the centres for the Tigers?

Dene Halatau and maybe even Peni Tagive can come back into the team. Peni played a bit of footy at the start of 2008 season.

Omg... i still can't believe there are idiots saying Catholicism is false and catholics will go to hell...?

also will the person who say that go to hell because he is saying the first type of christianity is wrong?

Are Japanese chracters supported on Windows Mobile 6?

I want to use a PDA as a Japanese-English dictionary. I was wondering if Windows Mobile 6 supports Japanese characters and if it's the same as Windows Vista?

Why haven't i been hungry lately?

im not sure why but i haven't really been hungry lately. when i do eat my stomach starts to hurt. i also have diarrhea, my poop is yellowish and really watery. i hear things in my stomach, i'm really gy. i have been farting a lot, and feeling really bloated. but im also coming off the flu right now so maybe that has something to do with it. my stomach hurts sometimes just randomly as well. i cant really sleep right now its like 4 in the morning and i should be. could this be a parasite? or is it just my body readjusting. its really scaring me. i've already lost 5 pounds in the past week. what should i do? and what could this be?

Is this swine flu(H1N1) or a cold?

Trust me, if you are well enough to be using the computer to ask questions about your condition, then it is not the flu!

Do you regard Evolution theory as funky science?

some parts of evolution is just crazy...and the term evolution has been stretched to mean so many things it hard to know what people are talking about when they say evolution...

Some claim 12,000,000 illegals in US (since 03-04) & 12 mill' returned by CBP/ICE since 2000. Your estimate is?

more than that are here, and on crime sprees throughout our country. They don't understand the laws/culture of America and that stands out like a sore thumb. We don't behead people here, and we don't walk in the middle of cars in the freway, but I see them do it all the time now.

The Beautiful Stranger Poem? Good or Bad?

I thought it was really good except you use the words beautiful stranger too much. add something else in there. other than that i like it alot and i like all the smiles you used and verbs. great imagery. I also liked the whole idea of the poem and the ending where you asked, was it worth it. good job keep writing.

Has anyone else noticed that Asbel Kiprop has really REALLY long legs?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Monday, August 8, 2011

Do you think its too radical a view to say the US govt is gearing up for a possible revolt from the people?

.. are people waking up to the gangsters on capitol hill robbing the American people blind or do you think we will go down into serfdom and poverty of the fascist state they are trying to form around us without a fight?

A question about my military contract?

Is it possible - after already going through the entire process, including MEPS - to push the deployment date (to go to BT) on my contract back to a later date? I am going into my senior year of high school and I am in the DEP, my current deployment date is in JUN09

Which video cards are compatible with this motherboard?

MB GIGABYTE EP45-UD3LR, Intel P45, s.775, FSB 1600, GB LAN, 6xSATA 2, 1xIDE, 1xPCI-E(x16), 4xPCI-E(x1), 2xPCI, 4xDDRII 1066 MHz Dual Chanell, ATX, audio 8ch?

I want to have a payed program with yahoo, but I cant find the right place to do it with my checking account?

Please help in finding the right page for to apply for a yahoo membership for dating with checking account, I found it once, now can't. Thank you. Judy

Is 1600mhz 1.60 mhz or 1.6 mhz.?

Buying a motherboard and it says......supports Intel processors up to the Core 2 Quad and Core 2 Extreme at FSB speeds up to 1600MHz.

Should I really send this to my friend?

Honestly I would just ignore her. Maybe eventually she will ask why you are ignoring her and you can explain then that you don't care to be friends with someone who hurt you and didn't care enough to apologize.

What should i do? I'm kind of reaching the point of just wanting to give up on trying? any advice?

So I was in Europe for about 6 weeks and just got back last Wednesday, next day i called a good friend and left a message and said hi. I got a txt right back saying that he is driving and will call me later, and welcome back etc. He still hasn't called and that was 5 days ago. i txted him jokingly and said thanks for calling and it was nice to hear from him in a sarcastic way. He hasnt responded or called mel. What do i do? He always tends to say he'll call me and wont. I'm usually the one calling or txting, and now im getting tired of being the only one who makes and effort to keep in touch. How hard is it to call someone. i brought him back a couple souvenirs which i wanted to give to him but now i dont know what to do with them; I don’t want to call him and be like hey im back want your stuff. I feel like at the least maybe he should have called me. and his birthday is end of this week. Do i call him for his birthday even if he still hasn't called me by then? What do I do in this situation? I don’t want to keep being the one who calls and tries to keep in touch, I feel like he needs to make an effort at some point. And just fyi not into him romantically. He has been a really good friend to me, and don’t want to lose his friendship over something so stupid, but im getting over all this drama and might just give up and never call him unless he takes the next step at this point

Does any body watch Countdown?

Then Who was the guy who spoke about mendacity and misused the word to describe someone of his own party. Saying: "he has demonstrated his mendacity and (some good quality) when I first heard it in congress I did not quite got it. My TV is always on while I do things and it stroke me as " I must have miss heard. But tonight Keith showed it an again I missed it.

Help! Question about bacterial contamination!?

He can't get hepatitis from his own stool. Just watch over the next few days to make sure he doesn't get runny or itchy eyes. If he does he can always go to the doctor.

What's happening? (please help!)?

You may not have an ear infection. Sinus and allergy symptoms like you describe can cause the eustachian tubes in the middle ear behind the eardrum to swell and clog up and then it retains fluid behind the eardrum. That can cause hearing reduction/loss, pain, discomfort, throbbing, dizziness and more. People often describe it as feeling like the ear is under water due to the odd pressure and hearing loss. You can often even feel the fluid sloshing in there when you lie down or lean your head over. You might hear weird noises in your head like clicks or whooshing. This often clears on it's own in a few days or weeks, but if it does not, I have come up with a home remedy that can clear the clogged middle ear from the inside. No one else know how to do this. Even Doctors. Visit if you'd like to learn more about the remedy for clogged ears due to sinus and allergy and colds.

What is purple hazing?

I was told by my 2 friends Brittany and Kathleena that purple hazing is when you look into a bright light or you keep flashing it in your eyes and at one certain little period of time something you are looking at looks a little purple from all the light. Are they right?

Pokemon wifi battle?

I'm Dboy and my friend code is 4296 2390 0188. I have only one Level 100 and you will beat me. But I'm so bored that I just want to play a fun game.

I can't ollie at all, can you help?

im just learning to skate, and im stuck on the ollie. im practicing it in my room, on my carpet instead of on the streets. i try to ollie, i watched like all of the videos on youtube, but i just cant do it. i dont even think the skateboard lifts off the ground. i know where to put my feet and everything, but how EXACTLY do you ollie? like what do you do first, the stepping on the tail or the sliding of the front foot? and what do people mean by listen to the "pop", whats the pop?

Can small children ride dogs if the dogs don't mind?

I had a St. Bernard who lived a good long 10 years before ping away. Our breeder suggested we do not allow small children to "ride" him, not only to protect his back, but also to protect his hips. Large dogs are notorious for developing hip dysplasia, a painful and degenerative condition. One of our German Shepherd mix dogs got this and it was terrible to watch her get to the point where cortisone shots no longer eased the pain and she couldn't even get up to relieve herself. Dogs might not mind small children on their backs, I know my St. Bernard loved the little ones. They could crawl all over him while he was laying down and not fret at all. But, I never let anyone put their child on his back. I think it's great that your dogs get along well with your young siblings, but sitting on the dogs' backs is not good for them even though they don't mind it.

Did you ever decide to make a brave move down under while watching Crocodile Dundee in the cinema?

lol how brave was it and ws that work for you lol?? now you have great looking, extremely satisfied croc on hand ha ?

Fantasy Football Week 7 RB starters?

I have Michael Turner on a bye. So I have peterson starting against chicago projected to get 8 points. Now its a toss up between julius jones @ TB or Thomas Jones @ Oakland. Here is my team im currently 4 and 2.

Do all my answers betray an idiot behind the screen?

My keyboard has been particularly fussy, especially with the letters "A" (today's sponsor of Sesame Street, presumably), "D" and whichever arbitrary key decides not to respond. So it looks like I cnt spell very well at ll.... hmmmmm.....shoul I just shut up and join the rnks?

Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) cryptosystem?

Check Wiki a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a a lot of info there.

What is the best strategy for dealing with the heartache of unreturned love?

yah i agree with the other guy, hang out with friends and family. but, only time can heal that kind of stuff.

What's the name of that book?

I saw just the backside of this book: 'On a day that started like any other...' But I have no idea what's the title? Can you help me ?