Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is there an independed media -nationwide,not cable-in the USA ?

Or can anyone explain how a governement can get away with NOT answering the thousends of questions concerning 9/11 ? How can it be sold to the public that a congressional investigation into "willy"Bill Clinton"s life [ is nobody"s business but his/Hilly"s own }, worth more than $110 million,is somuch more important then their 'lousy"3 - 4$ million so called �nvestigation into the worst terrorist attack ever in the US,I think that even the departement for changing toiletrolls in the Pentagon has got a larger annual budget. CRIMES have been commited and swept under the proverbal - bloody -carpet , home of the brave huh, well, i"m not impressed, unless i see another sort-off march on Washington like in the 60"and 70" when the people showed their governement that they were really pi**ed-off !!!

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